At Civix, we believe that the best way to build a healthy community is by working together. That's why we offer Iwi Consultation services, so that communities can develop a common vision and goals for their future.
We offer a range of consultation services, from helping you understand your obligations as a developer in relation to iwi and tangata whenua, to providing advice on how best to engage with them.
In addition to helping build stronger relationships between property owners and iwi organizations, our consultations also focus on creating equitable outcomes for all stakeholders—including mana whenua (people who belong to no particular iwi but who have links to land), matauranga Maori (Maori knowledge), and other Mäori culture-specific issues such as tuakana whänau (kin relations).
We take a collaborative approach to establish good relationships between developers and communities.
For private land developments, Civix Town Planners, Chartered Engineers and Licensed Cadastral Surveyors have got you covered from the initial site visit through to council sign off.
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